Some odds and ends

Greetings, oh so few of you! Been a while, as usual. Not much interesting or ground breaking stuff going on really, other than the usual fixing/replacing of roofs and other things related to roofs. Speaking of- We were called in for an estimate to re-roof a house that was being remodeled maybe a month ago…


Current state of Affairs

Hey everyone! Been a while… as there hasn’t been much to say really. We’ve been plodding along… until… RAIN! Torrential downpour rain. Noah’s Flood rain. Waiting-for-that-mudslide rain. Tons of people calling us because their roof is leaking… rain. Yeah, we’re busy. And no, we can’t come out RIGHT NOW. Sorry… really. If you (probably don’t)…



Here at Garvey Roofing Inc., we don’t just do roofing. We also do insulation, solar panels, and rain gutter installations. Furthermore, we also do general contracting. The reason why we have a general contracting license is because we know, when it comes to roofing, there’s more than just putting a roof on a house. There’s…


Buyers and Sellers

Here at Garvey Roofing Inc. we get calls from people who are asking for either inspections or estimates on houses that are being sold. We get quite a few calls for these because we give free estimates, which people take to mean that we also do free inspections as well, which we don’t, and here’s…


I’m still here

Hey everyone! All…. two of you…. three? Been a while. My creative sparkplug has not been firing as of late. It’s been odd here, what with summer and people saying “Eh, I’ll do it later” with their roofs. Funny story, kind of. Interesting at least: Fourth of July rolled around (yes, two months ago… 174…

Black Mold


Mold is something we get to deal with a lot here in roofing. We have been called more lately with people who have had this issue due to, well, the recent rains. In order for mold to grow it needs darkness, moisture, and something to consume, like wood, cloth, drywall, carpet, hopes and dreams, etc.…


So sayeth the Weatherman

Anyone here watch Futurama? “Great news everyone!” Rain is coming! Good thing, too. I was getting blisters on my feet from doing rain dances in my backyard every day at sunrise. It’s a great workout and it kept my cats entertained, but I felt like I had to do it barefoot, and man, I can…


Success! *three thumbs up*

I noticed that this blog is actually getting views now, and I’ll be honest, that made me a tad nervous. But hey, there’s always that whole Delete Everything And Pretend It Didn’t Happen option. Furthermore, I’ll simply post one of my favorite words here and move on: Fortitude: mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty,…
